In the last 48 months alone, Industrial Psychologist and trusted business growth expert, Kathi Clarke Hyde and the Building Best Business team have helped literally 100’s of business owners build resilient, profitable business and entrepreneurial muscle despite the impossibly tough trading times and this devastating economic winter….
Building your best business that’s purpose-driven, puts people first and is properly profitable.

Where are you in your business journey?
Starting out or stepping up, we can help.
For Small Businesses
Are you consistently and sufficiently profitable so you can sleep at night? In our experience regardless of what business you have, in the first few years challenges are around time, team and money and importantly how to work these in concert to ensure a consistent monthly turnover and cash flow so you can pay your bills and sleep at night.
For Established Businesses
Once your business is consistently generating profitable income it’s then well-placed to load-rate the team to help you scale/grow. As the owner at this point you need to be good at how to strategically and optimally build a great team so they actually free you from day-to-day operations rather than cause more work; expand your services/products; scale your marketing and sales; and decrease dependence on you.
For Mature Businesses
Nothing can be more frightening than a business owner who finds him or herself stuck with what they thought was an asset they can’t leave or sell when the time comes; growth that is out of control or has stagnated or when you simply have lost passion for what you do. How to avoid any of this happening and to fix things if it is your current reality is about what to prioritise and what and how to tackle what’s gone or going wrong; and to rebuild right and resiliently.
Where are you in your business journey?
Starting out or stepping up, we can help.
PEACE by Piece
– Just launched!
For anyone considering or already in self-employment or re-starting a business and needing to get better at it; for owners of existing businesses looking to be more effective and profitable; for those who’ve had a seismic and unwelcome personal/life left-turn and need help to re-find their feet in running their business; for those seeking business coaching but can’t afford it or can’t fit it into their schedule…Kathi Clarke Hyde wrote this just for you.
PEACE by Piece is your coach-come-business-school in a book. Why not order yours on Amazon today?